Last week I visited Judith, the woman behind Het Inkt Atelier.
In her studio she passionately teaches people everything about botanical inks.
How to make them but also what you can do with them.
She gives workshops and annual training courses from her beautiful studio in Den Bosch.
Judith Rosema
After a train journey I continue by bike and arrive at a huge complex, the Gruyter factory, where all kinds of nutritional supplies used to be made. After some searching around I finally find her and I am immediately very happy when I see her beautiful studio. Dried flowers everywhere, pots of powder, graphic work, handmade paper. Even the coffee filters she uses to filter her 'plant tea' have fantastic colors and patterns.
A wall in judith's studio with used coffeefiltersÂ
Sitting at the table with a cup of steaming tea, Judith tells me about how she ended up here and why she does what she does. Judith is originally a graphic artist and schooled at the academy in Den Bosch.
She was captivated by the profession, the process and research in the graphic workshop. She wanted to know everything and found a workshop assistant who was happy to teach.
After her graduation, she exhibited extensively (at home and abroad) with great success. She enjoys working but did not always feel at home in the gallery and art world. After 17 years she decided to stop exhibiting and founded her current company.
Different kinds of works hanging in Judiths studio
Judith wanted a more environmentally conscious and sustainable life. Together with her familiy she moved to an ecological home project where she became even more aware of her big green heart. If you choose to live a serious, more environmentally conscious life, you'll be come aware more areas need improvement. She didn't always use natural inks in her work and she realized that this had to be done differently. An experience with her daughter who had a yellow face after she had smeared herself with dandelions put her on the trail. She found her answer in nature, with plants. Judith likes to try and document everything very precisely. Like an alchemist, I picture her, stirring and sifting over steaming pans. I like that someone with such a beautiful, rich world of images also wants to map out a process so precisely and meticulously.
My own making process is much more intuitive, I reinvent the wheel every time I don't know how to make something. Yet there are also common grounds, working with nature, living with the seasons and there also appear to be similarities on a personal level. We talk about the work she is making now. I see very beautiful handmade paper with whole plants incorporated into it. She also uses this technique when making memorial paper. Handmade paper containing the flowers from a funeral. I think this is such a beautiful idea, a tangible reminder of a farewell that was shared with many people.
Memorial paper made by Judith
On the table are monoprints of plants printed with homemade inks. Natural inks don't seem to be able to clash. A beautiful discovery that is actually very logical, I never walk through a garden thinking that something is an ugly color combination.
Examples of Judiths prints
She uses all this work as examples for her students, but I would love to have some of her work in my home. I would also like to offer you her work in the store. I am therefore very much looking forward to our next meeting because we will see which work would be suitable for that.
When I leave, I take something nice with me for myself, but which I can really recommend to anyone who reads Dutch. Judith wrote a beautiful book about making natural inks. Organized by season and very accessible, so something that is actually within your reach.
Judith thank you for visiting, I look forward to working with you.